Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Good News - I Can Go Back to Work

Friday 22nd February 2008

We are away at 9am on Friday for my appointment with Steve Devereux at Kings. It is school half term this week and we get to our parking place in 65 minutes - a record! We bump into Ron and Linda Chamberlain in the coffee shop area. By coincidence Linda has an appointment this morning as well. Ron says Cobham is still not the same since Eve died. We meet Steve Devereux’s secretary, Judith, as arranged over the telephone. I wanted to meet face to face with her as she has always been really helpful over the phone. She is delightful. We also have a chat with Andre Jansen, the transplant co-ordinator. He is sorry that my transplant cannot go ahead but he offers us to call him anytime we need someone to talk to. Isn’t that great. We see Steve Devereux, who is pleased with how things are going for me, putting aside the loss of the transplant. He explains that I will not be eligible for the Revlimid clinical trial as it will not focus on patients who have already been treated with CamPred. However he is hoping that he will be able to negotiate an arrangement with a drug company. He is of the opinion that Revlimid is appropriate for me as a maintenance treatment with the expectation that it would be able to extend the remission period I get from Campath. He would not wish to have to use it is a further treatment once my condition has regressed - whenever that might be. Revlimid is not immune suppressive, on the contrary, if anything, it does the reverse. It comes in tablet form and would not interfere with my normal daily / weekly regime. He feels that time is not particularly pressing and hopes to update me next time we meet. We discuss Mark Jackson’s report and I say how helpful it was for me, enabling me to put a proper perspective on the state of my lungs. Can I go back to work? Yes! I tell him that Omeprazole was a three day miracle cure for my eating disorder, giving me a very enjoyable Christmas lunch. On the state of the congestion in my head, he tells me that I have sinusitis and explains how that has come about. I need nasal drops to help clear the sinus drain holes. However he forgets to give me a prescription! So we buy a nasal spray at the village chemist - hopefully it will be good enough. My weight today is 74.5 kgs, which is up by over a kilo from three weeks ago. I am to see Steve Devereux again in two months.

1 comment:

Clive Mockford said...

Roland, good luck and I hope all goes well for you. I don't believe you know I exist, and I found out about you through Google Alerts. I've been living in SW London in different locations for the last 30 years, working for differnt companies initiallly in the petrochemicals market, but more recently for IBM.
My Father, 88 today, still going stong - his side of the family very reclusive and I never really knew many of the Mockfords.
BTW you and I have many facial similarites - quite spooky really. Tina sounds like a God-send, and I send her my best wishes too.
Take care.