Tuesday, 13 November 2007

A Second Week of Anti-Fungal Treatment

Monday 5th to Sunday 11th November 2007

I have another complete week of Ambisome intra-venous anti-fungal treatment. At his Monday clinic Tim Corbett puts me on GCSF on alternate days as he wants to keep my neutrophils above 2.0 during this current treatment regime and today they are only 1.2. My allergy rash continues annoyingly through the week, despite the anti-histamine tablets. I remain around 75 kgs all week, despite all efforts to put on a bit of weight. My neutrophils range between 2.2 and 3.9 with the alternate days of GCSF. My haemoglobin and platelets average 10.5 and 60 through the week. I am generally tired and have about two hours sleep most afternoons or evenings. Despite that we call in for tea and birthday cake on Mia’s third birthday on Thursday, have a pub lunch on Wednesday and I have a pint of Harveys in the New Inn on Friday. We also visit Terry and Les for tea on Saturday afternoon. Otherwise it is a quiet and uneventful week.

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