Sunday, 30 September 2007

Getting Used to Being at Home

Tuesday 25th to Sunday 30th September 2007

I am back to the RSCH on Tuesday at short notice for my regular blood tests instead of going up to Kings for my transplant. My weight is once more 75.8 kgs and my neutrophils have responded extremely well in recent days. My results are - Wbc: 12.2; Neuts: 10.7; Lymph: 0.9; Hbn: 10.7; PLT: 98; and CRP: 12. I have been feeling very weary lately, perhaps the effects of my constant coughing on top of the fitting of my line. I have two-plus hours sleep this afternoon.
On Wednesday, while Tina does the shopping, I continue with my tax returns, interrupted by constant coughing sessions. I have three hours sleep in the afternoon. Thursday is another non day, with another two hours in the morning taken up by coughing. I am getting very cheesed off with this!

On Friday I am back to the RSCH for a blood test and a check on my Hickman line dressings. I now have a transparent dressing for the main entry position. The discomfort has eased somewhat from last weekend, but the area is sill quite tender. My coughing continues to dominate my mornings and I will see a doctor on Monday if things have not improved. My weight today is down a bit at 75.2 kgs. My blood results are - Wbc: 4.2; Neuts: 2.3; Lymph: 1.5; Hbn: 11.0; PLT: 118; and CRP: 12. Laura advises that I do not need to resume GCSF unless my counts drop further by Monday.

I spend both Saturday and Sunday very quietly. My cough and catarrh are still making me feel most uncomfortable and I still have a perpetually medicinal taste in my mouth. Sadly, my appetite seems to have gone. I don’t even feel like going out to the Royal Oak for a beer and sandwich lunch! This must change! Quite how I am not sure, but it must!

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