Saturday, 10 March 2007

The Inpatient Hospital Experience

Monday 29th January 2007

“Bring a bag for 2 or 3 nights”, I was told. I packed for 4 nights and it turned out to be a total of 5! I was in Davidson Ward from Monday 29th January until 2pm Saturday 3rd February – and what a wonderful experience it turned out to be my having never spent more than a day in a hospital before!!

I travelled up by train free as I had an extra day left on my last weekly train ticket! Spent the day having blood tests, an ECG, CT scan and an x-ray, then admitted into Davidson Ward, weighing in at 78kgs. I am in a side ward of 5 beds, all taken. Surprise dinner tonight of a very tasty chicken tikka marsala, delivered by the lovely Sister Laetitia Oluigbo, a Nigerian nun from the Sisters of Jesus the Saviour. The hospital menu is the same every day, but it is large and varied, including English, vegetarian, Halal, Kosher, Caribbean and “soft” food, most of which I was to try. The night duty doctor declared that I had “an interesting heart beat” - more about that later. Went in with the leftovers of a cold - and a cough mainly at night, which is very unpleasant for me and must have been a nuisance for the others. I spend several nights sleeping as upright as possible. Fortunately after three nights it was gone!

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